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The Power of Connections

Discover these Success Stories

Water Smart Coffee Cultivation

After an introduction with the Shockwave Foundation, CRS's Blue Harvest Program enhanced the livelihoods of smallholder coffee-producing communities in Central America.
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Mitigating COVID-19 Impact on Education

Connecting the Global Fund for Children, to the African Education Program (AEP), and their local implementing partner, Amos Youth Centre (AYC)Ā is helping children overcome education barriers.
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Supporting Small-Scale Producers In Zambia

Through aĀ facilitated introduction with Cartier Philanthropy, iDEā€™s Farm Business Advisor (FBA) programĀ impacts farming families in Zambia.
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Supporting Venture Studio EcoBodegas

Connective Impact uncovered a donor match between Cisco Foundation and FUNDES Catalyst, catalyzing a value chain transformation. Cisco Foundation's one-year grant empowered FUNDES Catalyst "EcoBodegas," scaling micro business operations in Peru and Mexico.
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Journey from Prospect to Partner: Kuja Kuja

Through valuable connections with partners and donors, Connective Impact identified avenues for sustainable funding and partnership opportunities to help grow the Kuja Kuja platform in new communities,Ā  with new implementing partners.
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Strengthening Health Systems In Kenya & Tanzania

Connective Impact facilitated an introduction between inSupply HealthĀ and The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation. Resulting in a 14-month grant to explore the use of artificial intelligence to improve health supply chains.
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Supporting Primary Care Access In East Africa

A successful partnership emerged between Rippleworks and TIP Global Health afterĀ Connective Impact facilitated an introduction that highlighted a shared mission and impact potential.
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