A Connective Impact Partnership Success Story

Supporting Primary Care Access In
East Africa


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To address community healthcare challenges effectively, TIP Global Health aims to develop sustainable, community-driven solutions across various focus areas, including digital health, food as medicine, primary care research, and influencing systems change.


Connective Impact reached out to Rippleworks inquiring about a potential partnership with TIP Global Health given a match in mission and impact potential, to support leadership capacity for scale.

"We are thankful that Connective Impact introduced us to such an impressive organization. We admire TIP Global Health's impact in providing lasting improvements in health outcomes and are excited to partner with them to help accelerate their scaling journey."

 - Tim Kunihiro, Managing Director, Rippleworks


“Connective Impact provided much-needed independent validation and visibility that helped build trust in our work. This support helped make the Rippleworks connection even more productive for our programs.” 

-Wendy Leonard, co-CEO, TIP Global Health 


Long Term Impact

TIP Global Health evolved from its grassroots origins in one rural Rwandan community to operating across Rwanda, extending into Burundi, with plans for expansion into Somalia. TIP's unique approach includes listening to community stakeholders, learning about the existing & external pressures, integrating and co-designing to reach
 the community’s health goals, strengthening systems & skillsets, and utilizing data to inspire and improve. 

This collective effort aims to sustain impact and establish equitable, inclusive health systems globally, prioritizing relationships at the core of care. 

TIP's transformation in leadership structure mirrors the expanding influence worldwide, as the impact extends beyond borders, laying the foundation for inclusive health systems on a global scale. 

Through this partnership, TIP Global Health and Rippleworks is on a mission to impact 10M lives in 10 countries over the next decade.



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