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So You Got A "No" From A Funder. Do You Remove From Your Prospect List?

Laptop computer on desk with notes about funders

If you get a "no" from a funder, does that mean there will never be another opportunity to work with them?

Do you cross them off your prospect list all together?

Most of the time, you should keep them on the list and revisit periodically.


1. Funder priorities shift and change as their own funding pool shifts and changes, and as their Board priorities also change based on funding interests. While alignment may not be there now, it doesn't mean it won't be there in the future. Keep an eye on how the funders' strategies are evolving and revisit when you see a better fit.

2. Timing may be off. If the funder gives you a "not right now" that's an opportunity for you to come back to the funder at a different time of year. Funder budget cycles are based on when Board decisions are made, or when funding is allocated, so it just may be that the timing is off. Hopefully the funder will tell you that's the case, but if not, you should ask.

3. Your own priorities may shift and change. As your organization goes through periodic program reviews, you may add or take away components of your work. As that happens, continue to evaluate whether your new strategies are better aligned with the funder before going back again and inquiring as such.

4. Geographic needs may change along with programmatic needs, both on your side and the funder's. It's a good idea to check in with funders regularly (no less than once a quarter) to see how this may be the case. Once there's alignment it's a much easier case to make that the two of you should be working together.

As always, keep an eye on your prospect list and refine as you go through your prospecting process.

How do you regularly evaluate whether a "no" is a "not now" or "not ever?"




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