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Is It Taboo To Reach Out To Funders?

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There was a time when it was taboo to reach out to funders.

Contact information was scarce. Intel was nonexistent. We fundraisers were playing a bit blind, save the times donors asked us to share ideas or information. It was pretty one sided.

Times have changed (a bit).

Many donors publicize their contact info. Of course many still don’t, but with an aim to shift the power, some of the larger funders recognize that contact information alone can be a game changer.

Once you have that contact info, though, what do you do with it? And what don’t you do with it?

First, you don’t spam the funder. Don’t send anything and everything that you think they’ll be interested in.

Second, share information that you think will be valuable to them, and their work. This is a two way relationship you are trying to build, so think about any contact as an opportunity to share value and build rapport.

Third, share ideas or proposals only when the relationship gets to that level. Don’t proactively send a proposal unless you are asked.

Fourth, be considerate and respectful of peoples’ time. Ask if it makes sense to have an introductory call and share ideas. Don’t ask to have a call for you to pitch. Again, this is about a relationship not a transaction.

What else would you add to this list?

Connective Impact's Donor Outreach Blueprint covers many of these tactics. Check it out with our other resources!




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