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Case Study: S&D Coffee & Tea

S&D Coffee and Tea farmers working

S&D Coffee & Tea is one of the largest beverage companies in the United States, with a sourcing footprint across more than a dozen countries. As S&D was developing its sustainability program, Raiz, which focuses on supporting farmers with climate smart agriculture techniques and employing mitigation and adaptation strategies across multiple landscapes, Connective Impact began working with the company on identifying co-funding partners for Raiz projects. Specifically, S&D was seeking opportunities from investors and co-funders to amplify their existing investments and grow their climate portfolio. Additionally, S&D was looking for new partnerships among international development organizations to help scale the work S&D was doing in sourcing regions.

Connective Impact developed a list of potential partners and co-funders for S&D to review as part of Its initial set of partnership recommendations. From that list, Connective Impact prepared a DC-based roadshow for S&D, and facilitated nearly 20 virtual meetings as well, during which we explored collaboration between S&D and potential partners. 

From this partnership and co-funding engagement work with Connective Impact, S&D began a dialogue with USAID, USDA and several other co-funders in Washington, as well as several potential strategic partners operating in complimentary spaces across S&D's sourcing regions.  

Photo Credit: J. Sonenshine




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