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5 Biggest Tips from Donors to Doers

There's nothing harder in fundraising than being ghosted by a funder. That, and being told that you were super close, but just not quite the best fit.

Interestingly, when we asked one of our donor partners what they find to be the most difficult challenges in working with doer partners, they shared that similar challenges exist for them too. Who knew both doers and donors struggle to find that perfect fit? It truly is a challenge across the board.

Saying that, below are 5 tips shared with us from donors on how to make your fundraising process more seamless:

  1. When asked to follow up, follow up.
  2. Don't go more than 2 weeks without returning an email.
  3. Inform partners of leadership changes so they don't have to hear about them in the press.
  4. If a partner (funder or otherwise) has suggestions about how to improve the chances of working together, consider them, take them seriously and if you don't move forward with those suggestions, share why. It's ok to be a little vulnerable. That creates trust and builds relationships
  5. Be honest about your funding needs. Alignment may not be perfectly there, but a funder doesn't want to be surprised by how funding is spent or not.

Working on how best to take this input and make it into something useful could be a goal for you over the next month. Let us know how it goes!





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