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7 Keywords That Resonate with Donors

There are certain keywords every funder resonates with, so when writing proposals, be sure to use one or more of these:

(1) Evidence-Base: Emphasize how the use of data and evidence in your program design, implementation, and evaluation will be grounded in best practices and lessons learned from prior programs or pilots.

(2) Gender Equality and/or Social Inclusion: Showcase how your programs incorporate gender equality strategies and the inclusion of marginalized or vulnerable groups.

(3) Localization or Local Engagement: Demonstrate how your program will build upon locally-relevant knowledge, how your work will engage communities and how your work helps promote self-reliance.

(4) Innovation: There are myriad ways to use the term innovation but if you highlight how your program is new and different, tests new approaches, tries a method that has never been tested, or is seeing results that are uncommon and set the stage for a big shift in the status quo, that's deemed innovative.

(5) Sustainability: Highlight how your project will create lasting, sustainable impacts in the target community or region and also how funding will be matched or leveraged for the longer-term.

(6) Cost-Effectiveness: Present a well-structured budget and financial plan that demonstrates cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

(7) Climate: If relevant, highlight how your project will address environmental sustainability and climate change resilience.

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