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4 Ways to Use ChatGPT as a Fundraiser

What's the one thing about ChatGPT that I find problematic for fundraisers?

ChatGPT can be a huge help to fundraisers by giving them other ways of using language in proposals, inspiring funder communication and re-stating program impact goals in multiple ways. 

t has a way of leveling the playing field, as well, making language for those that aren't native English speakers more accessible and usable in proposal development and writing.

What I don't love about ChatGPT for fundraisers, is that the language still comes out very formal and "obvious." This is particularly problematic for non-native English speakers trying to write proposals in English.

But this is a real challenge in the world of authenticity and transparency in the global fundraising space.
So how can you be using ChatGPT to help guide your fundraising process but not take it over?

  1. Use ChatGPT for some proposal writing, but not at all. Like all of us are doing, take the output and try and augment with other tools and/or human engagement to ensure it still sounds as much like you as possible. Augmenting with Google Translate is a great addition to ensure you get your point across in language that still sounds like you.
  2. Use ChatGPT to better understand what the donor is asking you, but then write responses in your own words, not in ChatGPTs. This way you are clearer on the approach, but still addressing proposals with language that suits you.
  3. Ask ChatGPT several times to re-write its response using terminology that you would use. This helps the tool become more used to how you write and articulate.
  4. And of course for funders, work on more accessible proposal methods that don't require so much English writing.

We have also prepared several ideas for using ChatGPT in your prospecting process in our FREE guide here as well. 

In the end, tools like ChatGPT will make the fundraising process easier for all of us. We simply must use it the right way and with the right frame of reference and it can be a game changer.




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